
Joble event on youth entrepreneurship


At the end of 2015, first and successful PSYCH OUT event took place, where esteemed psychology professor Boris Blažinić gave advice on facing obstacles in business, dealing with stress, ups and downs, professionally and personally. Boris Blažinić is a business Coach for maintaining and increasing personal and business organisational efficiency.
On Friday, February 26th, second event within Ready, steady, GO! project took place. This project is carried out by Koprivnički poduzetnik in cooperation with Udruženje poduzetnika Koprivnice.

Successful and local young entrepreneurs shared their experience, personal and professional stories on success, obstacles and good sides of running a business. The audience were high school and college students and the unemployed.
Those young entrepreneurs were Irena Kovačić (Svijet mašte), Antonio Prstec (Crni mačak) Manuel Marković (Sonitus Acoustics), Vanja Đorđević (Tepka), Adam Blažeković (AVB Service), Maja Blažek (Lollipop children’s equipment), Miran Katar (Mikagi guitars) and Ivan Vrhovski (Wrhovski).
Apart from young entrepreneurs, Jasenka Maltarić- Dujnić, human resources manager in Podravka, shared her experience and thoughts on what employees should be, how to prepare for a job interview, what employers expect. It was a great direction pointer for future entrepreneurs, and employees to show their employers they are mature and eager to work.
A debate on the topic whether to stay in Croatia or leave showed that young people want to change things, but they just don’t know how.
It turned out that despite results from the Mladi i poduzetništvo u Koprivničko – križevačkoj županiji research, young people want to stay in Croatia and build their life and business.

The host was Ivan Šarić, whose amusing riffs made the whole thing even more interesting.
Check out how it went in Dnevnik Varaždinske televizije footage.